The Best Way to Create a business website That gets you more sales

Table of Contents

Seven steps to creating a business website that will get you more sales. In this current day having a business website is critical to your overall marketing goals and strategy. When you want to create a business website to get more sales it is important to focus on the parts of your website that generate in the most sales and business. In this guide on the best way to create a business website that gets you more sales I will show you how to set up your website, what pages to build and the best format to follow to increase conversions. 

If you have a small business, creating a website is essential for success. With the majority of consumers now researching and shopping online, having an online presence gives you a chance to reach customers beyond your usual vicinity and brings more opportunities for growth. 

Having a website also makes it easier for customers to find out about and connect with your brand, as well as access services and products quickly and conveniently. In addition to being an invaluable source of information and a reliable platform for unique customer experiences, having a website is essential in helping you establish yourself in the market while establishing trust with potential followers. 

It is crucial that you treat your website with the same care as your physical store by investing in quality design, features, usability and security since first impressions matter even more in the digital world. Creating a website is one of the most important investments for success you can make for your small business.

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How to create a business website

1. Choose a domain for your website

Choosing the right domain name for your business website is vital to its success. An effective domain hints at your site’s purpose and offers users an easy-to-remember address where they can find you online. When deciding on a name, your company’s brand should be one of the main factors in the decision-making process. 

It’s also important to consider search engine optimization (SEO); selecting a keyword or phrase that connects with your industry can help you appear higher in search engine results and better attract potential customers. Domain names with generic top-level domains like .com or .net are often seen as more reliable than those with newer domains like .biz, but do a bit of research to determine which type is best for your business. If available, try to get an exact match domain (EMD), so there is no confusion about your website content. 

Ultimately, pick something that fits your company’s mission statement and makes sense when speaking or typing it out; you want users to quickly recognize who you are and where they must go if they want more information!

Seven tips for choosing a domain for your website

  1. Make it memorable: When it comes to selecting a domain name, take time to consider each option carefully. Your choice of the domain should be memorable and easy to spell. Using numbers or abbreviations in your domain name can often lead to confusion when being shared and make it much harder for potential customers to remember. Investing the time into creating a catchphrase or using relevant keywords can go a long way in helping you stand out from the competition, as well as establish a memorable domain that users can find with ease.
  2. Use Keywords that are relevant to your business: Choosing the right domain name is an important step in creating your online presence and can make a significant impact on customers’ first impressions. Aim to keep your domain name concise – too many words will detract from its effectiveness. A short name makes it easier for people to remember and type correctly – this increases their chances of making it to your homepage. Choose a meaningful and relevant name so that visitors instantly understand what you’re offering. Keeping it short will help ensure your domain name remains memorable and effective!
  3. Use Keywords: Your domain name is your website’s first impression, and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to include relevant keywords to ensure people know what content they can expect. Incorporating keywords into your domain name makes it easier for users to understand your website’s purpose, but it will also help with search engine optimization (SEO). When evaluated by search engines, having a website name that ties in with the topic of its content increases your site’s visibility in online searches. In addition, by utilizing keywords from the start, you can ensure web users can quickly identify your company and learn about its services.
  4. Avoid Hyphens and numbers: Choosing the most memorable words to identify your business is crucial. Comments should be as easy to read and understand as possible. While hyphens and numbers might seem like clever options, they can quickly distract customers trying to recall your name. Instead of relying on special characters, take the time to think of simple words and phrases that will ensure your brand stays top-of-mind. Doing so may require a bit more creativity, but it will reward you with a brand that stands out from the rest.
  5. Check for availability: Choosing the perfect domain name is essential for any individual or business. Before you make a commitment and invest in purchasing a domain name, take the time to ensure that it will be available and easily registered. An easy way to confirm this is by checking with a domain registrar or hosting provider – it only takes a few moments but can save time and money in the long run. Don’t miss out on your desired web address; check for availability before you make a purchase decision.
  6. Choose a top-level domain (TLD): It’s important to select the right top-level domain (TLD) to ensure your customers can find you easily. While .com is the most common TLD, there are many others available, including .net, .org, and .info that may work better for your business. Consider researching each one and pick which will most effectively evoke what your company stands for while still being easy to remember. The right TLD can be the difference between showing customers who you are and them simply not knowing where to find you.

2. Choose a hosting provider

Choosing the right hosting provider for your website can be a daunting task. Before making any decisions, it is important to consider factors such as price, features, and customer support. It is also important to evaluate any guarantees or promises made by the provider and determine whether they’re realistic for your particular needs. Finally, don’t forget about scalability – decide what would happen if you suddenly need more server power or storage space.

Tips for choosing a hosting provider

  1. Determine your needs: When selecting a hosting provider, it is essential first to consider what your needs are. Different websites have different requirements, and the best features for one site may not be optimal for another. Think about the type of website you want to create – do you want to use a content management system? Do you expect to receive a lot of visitors? Are there any special functions or features that you will require? Knowing precisely what capabilities you need can help ensure you find the perfect fit for your website’s hosting needs.
  2. Compare features and pricing: Finding the right hosting provider can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for. When evaluating potential providers, it is important to compare features and pricing to select the option that provides the best overall value. Consider factors such as storage space and bandwidth, server type, and any additional features or tools included in your plan. Different providers may offer a variety of options across these categories, so take time to research the different plans and make sure you are selecting the one that is most suitable for your business needs. With a little effort and diligence, you can ensure that you find a hosting provider that will help power up your online presence.
  3. Look for reliability and uptime: Finding the right hosting provider can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for. When evaluating potential providers, it is important to compare features and pricing to select the option that provides the best overall value. Consider factors such as storage space and bandwidth, server type, and any additional features or tools included in your plan. Different providers may offer a variety of options across these categories, so take time to research the different plans and make sure you are selecting the one that is most suitable for your business needs. With a little effort and diligence, you can ensure that you find a hosting provider that will help power up your online presence.
  4. Consider customer support: For those new to website building, it’s essential to have good customer support. When researching hosting providers, make sure you select one that can be reached at any time of day, so any issues you may encounter can quickly be resolved. Also, ask around to see if they offer 24/7 help via phone, email, or live chat to ensure the best possible assistance is always available. Taking this step will help guarantee a smooth and successful website-building experience.
  5. Read reviews on the company:  When looking for a hosting provider, it’s essential to take the time to read reviews from prior customers. Not only can these reviews provide insights into a provider’s offerings, but they can also give you an idea of their reliability, uptime, customer support, and overall usability. Considering all this information can help you make an educated decision and select a provider that meets your needs. Be sure to get as many perspectives as possible before deciding who you’ll choose as your hosting provider.
  6. Try a money-back guarantee: Many web hosting companies offer trial periods or money-back guarantees to their customers, providing a great way to test the service before making a larger investment. These incentives make it easier to experiment with different forms of hosting, such as cloud-based solutions or dedicated servers. It also helps protect against negative surprises that may require more time and resources down the line. As businesses look for flexible hosting options that can scale up over time, taking advantage of trial periods and money-back guarantees is a smart way to help ensure the right fit for their websites.

3. Choose a website builder or CMS

For businesses looking to create a website without too much technical know-how, using a website builder or content management system (CMS) is ideal. These systems offer comprehensive pre-built templates and intuitive drag-and-drop tools that make designing a website an accessible task. With minimal design experience and no coding required, you can quickly create a professional site that looks good on any device and provides an appealing user experience. Choosing a website builder or CMS is the best option for those who want flexibility while keeping their skillset requirements manageable.

WordPress and Shopify are the two most common CMS website builders. If you are looking for a website that is more informational based, then WordPress is going to be the best choice; if you are focusing on selling products online, then Shopify will be the best choice for online sales.

4. Design your website

Designing a website for a small business can be an intimidating process. Fortunately, taking specific strategic steps can make the transition from concept to completion much smoother. First, you will want to thoroughly assess your target audience – who are they and what do they need from your website? Are there any similar businesses in the local area or online? Knowing this information can help you establish how your website needs to stand out from the competition and appeal to potential customers. You will also want to focus on creating an attractive design that is easy to navigate. Create web pages with short paragraphs of text broken up by visuals and internal links, allowing visitors to explore the site at their own pace. Finally, special features such as search engine optimization (SEO) plugins that will help maximize the visibility of your website and attract more visitors. With these strategies, creating a powerful small business website can become much more achievable and help solidify a solid digital presence in today’s competitive market.

How to design a website

  1. Define your goals: Achieving success online begins with taking the time to define your goals clearly. Knowing exactly what you want your website to do — and who it should appeal to — is essential for creating a website that resonates with your target audiences and achieves the results you are striving for. It may take some thought, but this simple yet important step is a vital part of designing any successful website. Taking a moment to be thoughtful will save time in the long run and ensure that the website brings optimal results for establishing or enhancing an online presence.
    1. Who is you target audience?
    2. What is the function of your website. Do you want to generate leads for your business. Are you trying to focus on retail sales? Is your website focused on providing value through content and information? All this will determine on how your website looks and is laid out.
  2. Select a design and layout: Crafting a website that looks visually appealing and functions optimally is the key to creating a successful online presence. As such, taking the time to carefully select the right design and layout for your website is essential. Considerations should include the color scheme, font choice and other details that will work in harmony to create a cohesive look. Additionally, an ideal web design should ensure ease of navigation for users. Ultimately, selecting a design and layout that best reflects your brand image can make all the difference between an average website and one that really stands out from the crowd.

5. Add Content to your website

Adding content to your website is an important step in creating an engaging and informative experience for visitors. When deciding which content to include, think about what information potential customers need to know about your business. Be sure to include key details such as contact information, a mission statement, descriptions of your products or services and location. High quality images and videos are also great tools for expressing more about who you are and the value you provide. As you create your content, ensure it’s written in a consistent style that reflects your tone of voice and showcases the best of what your business has to offer.

Steps to add content to your small business website.

  1. Determine who you target audience is: When starting to add content to your website is important to know who your target audience is and what content they will be searching for online. What content do they find valuable and what websites are they visiting now?
  2. Know the overall purpose of your website: Knowing the purpose of your website is important to ensuring its success. When deciding the purpose of your website, think carefully about what it is you are trying to accomplish and how you can add value for visitors. For example, if you have a business that sells products or services, consider creating a space online to showcase what you have to offer. Alternatively, if you’d like to increase engagement with customers, you could design a platform that provides useful information and encourages interactions. By understanding the desired outcome of your website, you will be better informed when selecting the type of content needed to deliver it.
  3. Create a content plan: Developing a content plan is essential for successful content marketing. Having a comprehensive plan allows you to be organized and consistent with your content. To get the most out of your efforts, take some time to establish a content calendar that outlines the types of posts you will create, when and where you will share them, and other relevant details. With a clear and organized plan in place, you’ll be able to keep track of upcoming topics and ensure that all your content is valuable, engaging, and relevant for your readers.
  4. Add Content: As the owner of a website, it is important to think strategically about your content. Consider adding information and visuals that spell out who you are and what you do. Textual descriptions of the services or products you offer are essential, but don’t be afraid to spice up your website with images and videos too! You may also want to include contact information, such as an email address and physical address, so potential customers can reach out with any questions they might have. Finally, employing certain marketing strategies such as SEO can help boost your visibility across the web. With this approach, you can more effectively showcase yourself and your business.
  5. Optimize your content for search engines: To get the most out of organic search engine results and build your online presence, optimizing your content for search engines is essential. Incorporating relevant keywords strategically throughout the copy can help boost discoverability, while adding interesting titles and meta descriptions will capture user attention and steer more potential customers to your website. Don’t forget about alt tags for images – these descriptive tags tell search engines what the images are about and thereby help them rank better in related searches. Implementing these steps can go a long way towards pulling traffic to your website and increasing conversions.
  6. Edit and proofread your content: When publishing content for your website, it’s important to remember the importance of editing and proofreading. Taking the time to ensure that your text is accurate and error-free not only helps you deliver a more professional experience to readers, but also creates an impression of dependability and trustworthiness. Avoid any embarrassing mistakes or typos by double-checking each piece that’s posted on your website – it’s an endeavor well worth the effort!

6. Test and publish your website

Publishing a functional website is essential for any business. However, without testing it properly, you risk further setbacks due to glitches and failed features that could drive away potential customers. Testing your website before publishing is essential in order to make sure your users have the best experience possible and that your content works as expected. Every feature should be tested religiously to ensure they are working as advertised, look professional, and are free of any potential risks or errors. Not only would thorough testing save you much aggravation in the long run – you will also be sure that when launching your website, it is of the highest standard.


7. Promote your website

Promoting your website is a crucial part of establishing an online presence. An effective strategy should combine several approaches to maximize exposure and engagement. Social media marketing on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be used to drive traffic to your website while also raising awareness of your brand. Content marketing through blog posts, videos and podcasts can generate interest within target audiences and direct them back to your website. Email campaigns, search engine optimization and paid advertisements all give alternate pathways for customers to find you online. If done correctly, it can be an invaluable tool for increasing visibility and boosting traffic to your webpages.

How to promote your website

  1. Promote on social media: Social media is a great way for businesses to increase their reach and attract new customers. Posting links to your website or other relevant content can help you engage with your target audience, while running paid ads on social media allows you to expand your marketing efforts beyond simply relying on organic growth. If you have something newsworthy or noteworthy to share, take advantage of the incredible platform that social media has become and let people know about the great things you’re doing!
  2. Run paid online ads: When creating a digital marketing strategy, running ads should be a part of your plan. Advertising provides an opportunity for businesses to reach specific audiences and bring in more website traffic. There are plenty of ad platforms you can use – Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, and display advertising are just some of the most popular ones. Knowing the basics of each one is essential for successful campaigns. When it comes to running ads, first decide on the goals you want to achieve – once these are clear it will help you pick out an appropriate ad platform and make sure you get the most out of paid advertising.
  3. Optimize your website for search engines: Optimizing your website for search engines is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. By incorporating relevant keywords, creating valuable content, and earning backlinks from authoritative websites, you can increase the chances that your website will appear higher in the search engine rankings. While this process can be time consuming, it is well worth the effort to ensure that potential customers can easily find your business and access information about your products or services.
  4. Use email marketing: Email marketing is an effective tool for getting your business in front of a large number of potential customers. Not only does it allow you to target your existing list of email subscribers, but you can also use email campaigns to reach out to new potential customers. When crafting emails, make sure to include links that take users back to your site and provide them with pertinent information. Try creating different campaigns targeting different segments of your customer base and see the results you get. With a little bit of effort and knowledge, email marketing can have dramatic effects on both traffic and conversions on your website.
  5. Collaborate with other businesses: Collaborating with other businesses or influencers in your field can open up a wide range of possibilities for promoting and growing your website. Through guest blogging, you can get access to a new audience that may not have known about your website before. Cross-promotion gives you the opportunity to reach those who already know about your website, but may need another push. Meanwhile, sponsored content can give added visibility and potential credibility when promoted by an influencer in your industry. Throughout all of these collaborations, there’s a chance to make lasting connections with others while also benefiting yourself. If done correctly, collaborating with others could be extremely advantageous in building awareness and developing new relationships on the way to making your website successful.
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