How To Generate Content Fast For a New Content Website

Generating content fast for the new websites should be a top priority, and getting to 100 articles as quickly as possible should be your goal. You can then let off the content machine for a while so google can get it ranked and you can start generating some backlinks. I like to use the MVP […]

Easy Way To Find Low Competition Keywords with Good Traffic

I originally learned of this technique from the SEO notebook and I have since modified it to fit my needs. This technique uses the PAA in google SERPS. For example, if I wanted to find some articles about golf I would type in “best golf clubs” in the Google search bar. I then use SEO […]

How to Improve Your Website’s Performance with Analytics Tools

Best analytic tools for website

1. What are analytics tools and why do you need them for your website? Analytics tools are used to track and measure different aspects of a website’s performance. By using these tools, you can gain valuable insights into your website’s performance and make the necessary changes to improve its effectiveness. There are several different analytics […]

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